Top 10 Most Beautiful Capitals In The World
Capitals are considered very important cities of a country. All the states’ important offices and other important constructions are found there in a capital. So we can say that a capital of a country has more importance than other cities of that country. Except tow or three countries almost all other countries have capitals. Here in below article ”Top 10 Most Beautiful Capitals In The World” we have ten of the most beautiful, awesome and stunning capitals of countries. These capitals are not only beautiful with construction or artificial ornaments but also have natural beauty and attraction in them. We have included a tour video with each of them in which you can see and nearly visit these beautiful capitals of the world. Have a look on the list below and do not miss to watch the beauty of these cities in given videos.
Top 10 Most Beautiful Capitals In The World
10. Madrid
Our list starts with one of the most beautiful cities of the world, Madrid. It is also considered one of the most powerful cities of Spanish Empire. The city is full of many historical constructions and other beautiful buildings. If we see on the natural beauty this city, we come to know it is full of natural beauty. This city has a population of about 3.2 millions. In spite of having such population the city is pollution free and provides a very healthy and clean environment. As it is capital of Spain so it is also the center of the politics of the country. Due to its environment and surroundings we have this city at tenth spot in the list of most beautiful capitals of the world.
09. Moscow
A step ahead at number nine in the list we have another beautiful capital city, Mascow. This city is one of the largest cities of Russia. This city is capital of the city and considered one of the most beautiful capitals of the world. A number of beautiful building you can find there and a large amount of natural beauty is also present there. Here we have a very interesting video above. In this video you can see the beauty of the city and can find the reasons of the city to be included in this list. This city also provides a very healthy environment and has a lot of importance from different prospective. In politics, culture, economics and scientific invention and institutions, this city has a good name and fame around the world. Many of the scientific inventions are related with this city.
08. Athens
Athens is the next beautiful capital city in the list. This city is also considered one of the richest cities of the world. This city is in the list of most expensive cities as well. This is very important city of Greece in almost every prospective like politics, economic, financial, education and many of other. The city is highly populated but still provides a very beautiful view and beautiful atmosphere. We have this city in our list of beautiful capital cities of the world at number eight. This city not only has importance inside the country but also has a great importance outside of the country across the whole world. For an exclusive look you can see the city in above given video. It is really attractive and have many beautiful scenic places of great importance.
07. Ottawa
Next in our list if the city which is Capital of Canada, Ottawa. This city is located on the south bank of the Ottawa River. Ottawa is full of natural beauty and provides a great scenic beauty. The city has a great and wealthy atmosphere. In every field of life the city is fully developed and well constructed. You can find many historical place and educational institutions here in the city. According to a research study this is the fourth highly populated city in Canada. In spite of having a huge population the city is full of natural attraction or charisma. You can take a visit to this city by watching above video. In our list of top ten most beautiful capitals of the world, we have this city at seventh spot just before Washington.
06. Washington
Washington has a great importance all around the world because of its amazing look and wonderful architecture. In the field of industry and technology this city also has a great importance not only in United States but also all around the world. This city is worldly known as Washington D.C. Washington not only have constructional beauty but also has a great natural look. A large area of the city is naturally full of beauty and greenery. The life in this city is full energetic and abitious.
05. Berlin
At fifth spot in our list of most beautiful capital cities of the world we have another beautiful capital of the world, Berlin. This city consists of population of 3.5 million people. Berlin is well known for its research facilities, convention venues, service sector, wide range of creative industries. In European Union this city is seventh most populous. This beautiful city is full of natural beauty and healthy life. Berlin is also considered as world city of media, culture, science and politics. You can see the remarkable beauty of the city in above video.
04. Tokyo
Another step further in the list we find another beautiful and one of the most advanced cities of the world, Tokyo. There is a large number of beautiful and wonderful buildings of the world. You may also find here world’s most expensive buildings in this city. In the race of technology this city has a great name all around the world. The above given video shows the beautiful view of the city. In the list of most beautiful capitals of world, we have Tokyo at number four just before Paris.
03. Paris
Lets move further in the list at third top spot in the list we find another most beautiful city of the world, Paris. This city is one of the most famous cities of the world. Paris has a great value in history of world. This city is one of the most advanced cities of the world. If we see on its population, we find it in the list of most populous cities of the world. In the field of technology, economy and politics this city is considered the hub of France’s politics. A number of large scenic beauty added more in the beauty of the city. In above given video you may find the beautiful palce of the city. In th list of top ten most beautiful capitals of world we have this city at numebr three jsut before the beautiful Islamabad.
02. Islamabad
Next in the list is another most beautiful capital of world, Islamabad. This city is not much large but it stands out in terms of beauty. Islamabad is capital of Pakistan and considered most beautiful city of Pakistan. In terms of politics we can say that it is political hub of the country. In scenic beauty also it stands out form all others of the list. Its greenery add a lot in its beauty. The city provides a very energetic and peaceful life. Because of near hill station, its atmosphere is wealthy and provides a very friendly environment to life a strong and healthy life. To see some scenes of the beauty of this city you can watch above video. You will like the beauty of this remarkable city. It is the second msot beautiful capital city of our list just before London.
01. London
As expected at the top of the list we have world’s most beautiful capital city, the capital of England, London. London is one of the most famous cities of the world. It has a great historical importance. This city is one of the most famous cities of world. When it comes to its beauty, we come to know that it is really beautiful city of the world. It has some very beautiful buildings and also important and famous places. This city is one of the most advanced cities of the world.
So, this was our list of most beautiful capitals of the world. If you have any other name in your mind please do a comment below. We well appreciate your suggestions and comments. Have a good time, thanks for being here.