Gabriel Jesus reveal matching Neymar tattoos and flaunts it
A lot of people want to be like Neymar. But perhaps nobody is taking it quite as far as his Brazilian teammate Gabriel Jesus is. Neymar revealed that he and Jesus share an almost identical tattoo on Instagram this week.
Gabriel Jesus Reveal Matching Neymar Tattoos And Flaunts It
Neymar’s tattoo, which he showed off in December, shows a boy. He is with a ball looking at a favela and dreaming of the future. Jesus’ is nearly identical, although with different dream bubbles and other subtle differences. Also, Neymar’s ink is located on his calf. Whereas, Jesus’ is on his forearm. (If you’re really a big fan and want to get to the bottom of it, you could probably search for all the differences, ala those Double Check games from “Highlights” magazine.)
The 24-year-old Neymar is among the age-exempt senior players competing for Brazil in the Olympics. Meanwhile 19-year-old Jesus has been bandied about as “the next Neymar.” The Brazilian duo hope to bring home the never-before gold medal for the hosts, after Brazil’s unceremonious exit from the 2014 World Cup.
Meanwhile, Neymar says he has Michael Jordan to thank for inspiring him to achieve greatness. He said even when he was a kid, he wanted to be like Mike.
Of course, Neymar happens to be a Jordan Brand athlete. But he readily sat down to talk about #23 and gushed about his first pair of Jordans and how they had hugely impacted his life.
Read: When Hard Work Meets Talent

Neymar says he’s always been impressed with MJ’s work ethic — and he too has tried to apply it to his own life. He’s also holding the first pair of Jordan soccer cleats — and we must say, they’re pretty awesome.