Top 10 Smartest Celebrities
When it comes to the celebrities, the popular conception is that they are just people with beautiful faces or are good in performing arts and that they spend their life in luxury. While that may be true for a large part of the Celebrity fraternity, many of the celebs are exceptionally smart with their IQ’s going beyond the genius mark. Here we take a look at Top 10 Smartest Celebrities.

Top 10 Smartest Celebrities
10. Natalie Portman
At number 10 in Top 10 Smartest Celebrities is Natalie Portman. One of the smartest actresses in Hollywood, Natalie is fluent in five languages, has a degree in psychology from Harvard while also winning an Academy Award for her acting. She also apparently missed out on the premier of Star Wars: Phantom Menace to prepare for her school exams. Natalie also takes graduate level classes from Hebrew University as she believes that self-improvement and education are the two pillars of her life. She has also been published twice in scientific journals. Her IQ level is reported to e 140.
9. James Franco
At number 9 is James Franco. While opinions on his are polarized, there can be no denying that he is among the smartest of the Hollywood stars out there. Just a look at the list of colleges that he attended: UCLA, New York University, Yale University and Columbia show how intelligent he is. He also earned his first degree with an amazing CGPA of 3.5 and also teachers Film and English at many school from time to time.
8. Cindy Crawford
At number 8 in Top 10 Smartest Celebrities is Cindy Crawford. Models are not often considered to be among the smartest of the folks and there have been lot of instances when they were asked about their opinion on a simple matter, their replies left people with their head scratching but Cindy is an exception with her IQ of 154. She was not only a valedictorian in High School but also completed Chemical Engineering on a full scholarship. Apart from her academic achievements which prove her intellect, her peers who have interacted with her have also vouched for the fact that she is extremely intelligent. She definitely breaks the mould of a supermodel by being extremely attractive and intelligent at the same time.
7. Mayim Bialik
At number 6 in Top 10 Smartest Celebrities is Mayim Bialik. She might as well be one of the most academically accomplished people to be working in the showbiz currently with an IQ of 150+. She went to U.C.L.A and got a degree in neuroscience, went on to complete her PhD in neuroscience all the while appearing in TV, films and also lent her voice in animated movies. In a bizarre twist of fate, she also landed the role of a Neuroscientist in the hit sitcom show about nerds called “The Big Bang Theory”.
6. Lisa Kudrow
At number 5 in Top 10 Smartest Celebrities is Lisa Kudrow. Its pretty ironical that Lisa played the role of the quirky and dim Pheobe in the hit sitcom FRIENDS despite having an IQ of 154. She studied Biology and was actually a medical researcher for eight years where she investigated cluster headache in left handed individuals and her work in this field was later credited. It was a funny twist of fate that despite all the academic achievements she ended up playing the role of Pheobe.
5. Ashton Kutcher
At number 5 in Top 10 Smartest Celebrities is Ashton Kutcher. He is one of the most loved celebrities in Hollywood . Not only because of his great acting but also because of his down to earth behavior and warm personality. But what most people don’t know is that he is also extremely smart with an IQ of 160. He initially was studying Engineering before his mischievous ways got him into trouble and he was kicked out of his apartment. He then dropped his studies to take up modeling and the rest is history.
4. Dolph Lundgren
At number 4 is Dolph Lundgren. Seeing his name might surprise quite a lot of people but there is no denying that with an IQ level of 160, he is extremely smart. Best remembered for his muscle roles in Rocky IV, Expendables and a host of other B Grade Action movies, he is actually one of the smartest people in Hollywood who has degrees in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering and can speak 6 different languages. He was also given the Fulbright Scholarship to attend MIT!
3. Conan O’ Brien
At number 3 in Top 10 Smartest Celebrities is Conan O’ Brien. One of the most difficult jobs in the world is to make a person laugh and Conan does this to perfection thanks to his amazing IQ of 160. He also graduated magnum cum laude from Harvard University and that itself speaks volumes about his brains. Despite that he was a comic relief ever since his University days as he was dubbed the “preeminent jokester” of his class and was president of Harvard Lampoon- his college’s humor magazine.
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2. Quentin Tarantino
At number 2 in Top 10 Smartest Celebrities is Quentin Tarantino. A high IQ level not only allows a person to study higher in his subject but also lets him push the barriers of the domain he works in and Quentin with an IQ of 160 has managed to do so. One of the finest directors of all time, he dropped in high school and started writing scripts while working in a video rental shop. When he was asked if he went to film school he used to answer, “No, I went to Films”. Considering his IQ level it should be no surprise that despite formal education he learnt his art on his own and inspired a generation of directors.
1. James Wood
At number 1 in Top 10 Smartest Celebrities is James Wood. With an IQ of 184 not only is his IQ level of the charts but is also among a very small fraction of the entire human race. With an IQ level like that it’s no wonder that he had scored almost perfect score in his SATs with full marks in verbal section and 779, just one mark short of the perfect score in math. He went to MIT with a scholarship to study Political Science but he never completed his graduation as he left it to pursue a career in acting. He won’t regret his decision though as he is one of the most accomplished actors of all time and has won three Emmy, one Golden Globe and has been nominated for Academy Awards twice. His fans would be glad he decided to leave studies for pursuing acting.
There is a long standing notion that celebs are actually dumb who can just dress lovely and walk the red carpet. But as we have seen, that is not always the case. Many celebrities not only posses intellect levels that are considered to be superior but some even have beyond genius levels IQ. We should remember that performing arts is also a type of study that requires hard work intellect to perfect. And these Celebrities in Top 10 Smartest Celebrities embody that fact.